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bareMinerals首推矿物卸妆水,集合洁面及卸妆2种功效,採用水悬微胞配方(Water-Suspended Micelle Molecules),矿物卸妆水满载微细洁淨波波,有效吸走毛孔油脂污垢并分解,连防水彩妆也能彻底去除,同时保留面上肌肤的天然油分。


This no-rinse micellar cleansing water gently removes makeup and impurities from the face, eyes and lips.

bareMinerals Mineral Cleansing Water

SKU: 098132520701
$18,00 Regular Price
$14,00Sale Price
Excluding Tax |
Out of Stock
  • 卸妆在护肤程序中是重要的一环,如果卸妆不够彻底,暗粒暗疮等肌肤问题就会出现,拥有敏感性肌肤的女生在选择卸妆用品时,尢其注意成分是否温和、会否诱发敏感等。

    bareMinerals首推矿物卸妆水,集合洁面及卸妆2种功效,採用水悬微胞配方(Water-Suspended Micelle Molecules),矿物卸妆水满载微细洁淨波波,有效吸走毛孔油脂污垢并分解,连防水彩妆也能彻底去除,同时保留面上肌肤的天然油分。加入天然海盐成分,蕴含豊富镁、钾及钙等矿物,温和淨化肌肤。玫瑰花水精华拥有强效镇静功效,减少卸妆后面颊泛红的问题,其亚麻酸成分可滋润皮肤,防止肌肤水分流失。另加入青瓜精华,舒缓及柔软肌肤,有效温和卸除持久防水妆容同时滋润舒缓幼嫩的肌肤。


    What it is:

    To ensure that skincare products can absorb easily, it is important to first remove makeup and impurities from the skin at the end of the day. Formulated with mineral-rich sea salt, cucumber, micelles and rose water, our Mineral Cleansing Water gently cleanses, removing makeup and impurities to leave skin feeling soft, smooth and refreshed — without stripping the skin or causing dryness or sensitivity.

    What are micelles?

    Micelles are tiny balls of cleanser that are suspended in water. They attract dirt and oil, drawing out impurities without drying the skin.

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